
How to install VideoBlack (v1.7)

1. On Google Glass, navigate to Settings / Device Info and turn on debug

2. Connect Google Glass to a computer, and make sure ADB is set up

3. Open a terminal on the folder that contains VideoBlack.apk

4. Run the command: adb install VideoBlack.apk

5. Say "Ok Glass, start video black" to open the app. Videos are saved in sdcard/VideoBlack

6. To save videos to computer, go to "HTTP server" on livecard or adb pull sdcard/VideoBlack

To uninstall the app, adb uninstall

How to install VideoBlack (v1.7)

1. On Google Glass, navigate to Settings / Device Info and turn on debug

2. Connect Google Glass to a computer, and make sure ADB is set up

3. Open a terminal on the folder that contains VideoBlack.apk

4. Run the command: adb install VideoBlack.apk

5. Say "Ok Glass, start video black" to open the app. Videos are saved in sdcard/VideoBlack

6. To save videos to computer, go to "HTTP server" on livecard or adb pull sdcard/VideoBlack

To uninstall the app, adb uninstall